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This is a large two bedroom flat with a lounge and a very new and stylish kitchen and and bathroom. It is in a portered block and heat and hot water is included in the rent.
5 furnished rooms and a kitchen-diner with direct links to Holborn and South Kensington, good gor Imperial, RCM, RCA and Heythrop. Recently FULLY REFURBISHED, including desks with office chairs, wardrobe, double beds etc. The property has three floors and a garden. GBP From 130 per room ALL INCLUSIVE package available.
(POTENTIALLY AN ALL INCLUSIVE CAN BE NEGOTIATED) FURNISHED Lovely Four-Roomed flat (3 beds and a lounge) right next to Ladbroke Grove station with easy direct transport links to all destinations (UCL, Imperial, SOAS). Three recently refurbished bedrooms on the top floor. Downstairs are the kitchen diner, bathroom and a massive lounge which can be converted to another room (subject to landlord approval). (All inclusive can be negotiated).
STUNNING RECENTLY REFURBISHED LARGE 3 BED FLAT with a convertible lounge (subject to landlord's approval).There is a newly laid wooden (not laminate) floor and a new kitchen. The whole flat is finished extremely well and looks great. Additionally, it is in a very nice portered block and heat and hot water is in the rent. It is very bright and spacious and in an absolutely fantastic location.
Walk to college and spend that extra half an hour in bed !Selection of THREE ROOMED FLATS - two bedroom flats with a separate lounge giving you THREE separate rooms.
Two bedroom flat with a SEPARATE LOUNGE spread over TWO floors - (lounge can be converted to make the THIRD bedroom subject to landlord approval) thus giving THREE LARGE DOUBLE rooms.
Great location - Great Flat in a portered block in the heart of Queensway and suitable for 3 to 4 People. Ideal for IMPERIAL and LSE students. HEAT and HOT WATER INCLUDED.
Amber Marsh Ltd does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein or for mistakes and inaccuracies arising from spelling mistakes or typing errors. All property details are produced in good faith and are based upon the instructions of the seller or landlord. These details should be checked and verified on inpection of the proposed property, together with issues relating to the responsibility of bills, and the working order of services and domestic applicances. All this should be directly discussed with the prospective landlord or seller of the property being viewed. These property particulars DO NOT constitute or form any part of any offer or contract. Your statutory rights are not affected by these conditions.